Thursday, October 9, 2014

Don't Miss Out!

So, you've browsed the College and Career Readiness Standards, scratched your head, and are now wondering what to do with the information.  We can help!

The Nevada ABE state professional development team is offering two CCRS trainings as a follow-up to our recent Webinar.

Northern Nevada
Friday, October 24 at WNC, 2201 West College Parkway in Carson City, Cedar Bldg. 108 from 3-6 pm (RSVP by Oct. 17).

Southern Nevada
Friday, November 7 at CCSD Adult Education Complex in Las Vegas, 2071 E. St. Louis, from 3-6 pm (RSVP by Oct. 30).

To RSVP, email Claudia Bianca at with training location (Carson or Las Vegas), your name, institution, and the level and subject you teach (ELL, ABE, HSE, Adult Ed HS).  It's that simple.

We'll see you there!